David Notari

So My 4 Children Can Have Hope-Misti’s Story

Misti came to Shepherd’s House hours away from ending her own life; distraught, confused, and desperate. She had reached the end of the rope, but God has other plans; There was not only healing for her but there was also generational healing for her whole family. Her story illustrates this unlikely outcome.

It Wasn’t Too Late by Cash Lowe

The call came while I was walking one of my favorite trails in the foothills of the Cascade Range; “I am sorry I have some sad news for you, Cash.  Dave passed away this morning at home . . . .” I sat down on an old gray fallen tree beside the trail, early Fall […]

Giving on Giving Tuesday

So many in our community struggle with food insecurity, have kids to feed without resources to feed them, or lack basic necessities that help life make sense. On this special day, Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to Global Generosity, we want to make an impact, and we are reaching out to ask for your help.