“Grace Changes Everything” & Loving People Deeper

“Grace Changes Everything” & Loving People Deeper

You may have noticed the tagline “Grace Changes Everything” used in various places around Shepherd’s House Ministries. We want to take some time to explain what that means to us, as volunteers, staff, and residents in the program.

Darin Hollingsworth is the Emergency Services Program Director at Shepherd’s House Ministries – a position that has evolved over his two years on staff. Previous to working with us, Darin spent 27 years dedicated to youth ministries.

We asked him what this slogan meant to him, and what it looks like day to day at the Men’s Center. Throughout our discussion, the same theme appeared again and again – Shepherd’s House Ministries won’t turn their back on those who are struggling.

With trauma, pain, and addiction, there is hardly and instance of a mistake-free journey to recovery. At Shepherd’s House Ministries, we do not expect perfection, and we know that the mistakes that are made along the way can become a learning experience when they are handled in a safe and trusted environment.

Darin said it best when he stated “we pull people closer and we love people deeper”, and that grace is what sets us apart.

With grace as a central focus, our Men’s Center and Women & Children’s Center focus on the deeper issues at hand not only by providing invaluable resources (like counseling), but through meaningful relationships. These relationships are where grace is given and received by all members in our community at Shepherd’s House Ministries – giving us all a chance to learn what it means to be known and loved, by each other and by God.

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