A Restored Identity – The Power of The Right Community

Restoring Identity – The Power of the Right Community

5 months ago, a man from Salem joined the Men’s Center as a last resort. “We knew we were his last hope.” Arriving broken and lost, he was carrying the weight of trauma and pain that is not unique to the individuals we serve.

The hopelessness that surrounds homelessness and addiction is a thick and complicated web that looks different from person to person. At Shepherd’s House Ministries, it is our daily joy (and struggle) to walk alongside men and women who have chosen to start the untangling of their wounds. This process is messy and we fall, we grow and are stretched beyond our comfort, but we heal together.

Among these wounds is the pain that comes from the identity of an “addict”, touching all parts of a person’s life. Finding a place to shed these false identities is not an easy task, as it takes so much more than a 12 step program. The tools needed to rebuild a person’s true identity include resources for physical healing, mental and emotional healing, and spiritual healing.

These resources are only effective when lived out in the context of a community and culture like the one that we have built, one that is intentionally nurtured.

What does that community look like? When you break it down it is simple (not to be mistaken with easy). We show up. We open up. We live with nothing hidden. We lift each other up. We keep each other honest. We make time for fun. We process together. We don’t give up. And we do these things over and over.

A Soft Place to Land

Mike Yunker shares his experience
Many caught in addiction have tried time and time again to find steady ground to stand on, only too fail. It is often a bit of a shock to experience the depth of vulnerability and authenticity that unfolds each day at our men’s center. There is a common sentiment among newcomers: “This is real?”

As for the man who came to us five months ago who had spent his life “running and gunning”, the ability to exhale in a place of safety where he would not be judged or rejected made all of the difference in his journey towards healing.

Finally, stepping out of crisis and into a family, he was able to tend to the wounds that had been holding him back and causing him pain. Now, sober and reconnected with his family, he is a bright light among our residents.

We are blessed to watch this story play out over and over. It is what fuels us to continue leaning in and pulling closer. We understand it is a privilege to be a part of the lives of these men, and all of us who have witnessed these journeys taking place walk away changed.

It was grace that enabled this man to see inside himself and find the man he really is, and it is grace that keeps us growing forward together.

When you partner with Shepherd’s House Ministries, you are helping to reconnect families, providing a safe haven for true healing, and helping to transform the futures of generations to come.


Partner With Us Today As We Grow Forward

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