Straight Cut Path

An immigrant from Haiti, Salvador sought new hope and a new life. Came to the United States seeking refuge, only to find himself hopeless and homeless.

Over the last season, the Lighthouse staff has been working with Salvador, a gentleman who originally hails from Haiti. He immigrated to the U.S. and initially landed in Orlando, FL, but then moved to Central Oregon in pursuit of new jobs and new opportunities. 

It’s also worth mentioning that he is a huge Oregon Ducks football team fan. He came to us in the winter months seeking shelter and support acquiring employment. After a short time, we connected him with JBarJ Youth Services, who became interested in him as a peer support for homeless outreach due to his engaging and jovial personality. He is now successfully working full-time in this role, reaching out to people who are in the same position he was just a few short months ago. He enjoys the work, progressing toward housing and eventually becoming a barber. 


Your continued support of Shepherd’s House makes hopeful stories like Salvador’s possible.

Story By: Evan Hendrix

Director of Navigation Services