At Shepherd’s House Ministries, we strive to feed the hungry and to shelter the homeless, but our deeper aim is to walk alongside the hurting and the needy to effectively address the life-controlling issues that perpetuate the long-term cycles of pain and homelessness. In an environment of grace, our goal is not to modify behavior. Our goal is to see hearts healed and lives changed from the inside out.
Help fund the change with a monthly or one-time donation. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law, and all proceeds go directly toward making a difference in the lives of those who need support in our community.
Donate necessary supplies like food, clothing, and hygiene items. We often take these basic resources for granted - because for someone without access to a clean toothbrush or warm meal, it makes all the difference.
Share your skills, your presence, and your heart by volunteering in one of the many positions we have available - you can serve by tending our front desk, serving food, guest speaking, and much more.
Become a part of our social community - our catalyst for sharing important information that will help to educate the public about homelessness, promote opportunities to get involved, and get us closer to our goal of ending this epidemic in Central Oregon.
Come learn a bit about our history, listen to first-hand accounts of life-change, and hear about the exciting future for Shepherd’s House Ministries. Our time will begin with a short tour of our facility, an informative video, a time of Q&A, and some lunch.
Please RSVP 2 Days Prior to Event
1854 NE Division St, Bend, OR 97701 | PO Box 5484 Bend, OR 97708-5484 | (541) 388-2096
Copyright © 2024 Shepherd’s House Ministries, All rights reserved.
This organization is an equal opportunity provider.